Ways in which Ganja can be consumed

Marijuana is also known as Cannabis, Ganja, Weed, and pot, is an annual flower normally used for medical purposes. It has been used in ancient years to treat infections and has helped countless numbers of people. I will dive into Marijuana uses for chronic pain. There are many kinds of compounds: bioactive molecules found in cannabis, such as cannabinoids which produce certain effects and reactions. 

Many countries have legalized the extraction and plantation of Ganja. In contrast, others have been illegalized by posing heavy fines and imprisonment to those who try to grow the plant or trying to do any business that involves the plant. However, the legalization of weed continuous to edge up. 

Many studies have been carried out to demystify myths such as, weed damages the brain. Health has been a concern to many people, and they are trying their best to find some of the unique ways of treating themselves and making themselves more comfortable. Medical Marijuana is the use of the cannabis plant or its compounds to treat diseases and conditions. 

Ways in which Ganja can be consumed. 

  • Pills, Capsules, and tablets 
  • In the form of powder dissolved in water 
  • Transdermal Patches 
  • Vapes  
  • Smoking 

Marijuana uses for chronic pain diseases include: 

  • Multiple Sclerosis 
  • Spinal cord injury or disease 
  • Cancer 
  • Arthritis 
  • Epilepsy 
  • Insomnia 

Many people worldwide suffer from pain, mental and physical—using substantial or conclusive evidence for fibromyalgia. This condition causes pain all over the body. 

Fibromyalgia include; 

  • Musculoskeletal discomfort 
  • Fatigue 
  • Memory loss  
  • Mood Swings 

This may be caused by genetic, infections, trauma, or stress. 

Biological and physiological Pathways include: 

  • Block Receptors 
  • Decrease pain  
  • Relieve Symptoms 

Many cancer patients are going through a lot of chronic pain in their daily routine, and the weed has come to hand in helping them to cope with the very painful journey that they are experiencing. 

 Positive Effects of the weed 

  • Euphobia 
  • Relieving cramp 
  • Relieving emotional hurt 

Some people think that free access to weed can lead to the destruction of life. 

Negative Effects of the weed 

  • Addiction 
  • Reinforcement 
  • Dependency 


It has been found that the weed is slowly helping patients by lowering chronic pain and weaning off other diseases that affect the patients. This has had a significantly favourable outcome. However, various researches are being done to determine how true the statement is on the health issues of the recent generation and the big challenge is that we don’t lack researchers. Still, instead, the rules and the regulation for studying the plant is quite expensive and time consuming for the researchers to carry out the activity. The weed can be a solution to all our problems if we all engage the government by raising money for research—all in all, the medicinal value outweighs the disadvantages.